Living in The Silver Baguette

Living in The Silver Baguette

Several people have asked us questions like what it is like to live in the Airstream, what the interior is like, and how we make it work with our kids. I would love to have some big confession here about how hard it is to live in our new 200 square footish home with our kids because it would make a great blog post, but we absolutely love it. Maybe that’s just because we are less than a month in, but I think the feeling is here to stay. We have loved our adventures in confined space living on our sailboat over the years. The kids have grown up spending a lot of time in that environment, so I am sure that helps.

The Silver Baguette is a 2015 Airstream 27FB Flying Cloud. Flying Cloud is the model of the Airstream which mostly just defines the interior styles and finishes. The FB stands for forward bunk which means that the “master suite” is towards the front of the trailer. We bought it last year from an older couple who had owned it for about three years but rarely, if ever, used it. Score for us!

Officially, the 27FB sleeps six, but I am not sure that is intended to be six for a year as you can see from the layout above. Jamie and I have a queen bed in the “master suite”. The bed has a fair amount of storage beneath it. We can fit two bins of winter clothes, a guitar (¾ scale travel acoustic), electric bass (¾ scale as well), a ukulele, some art supplies, shoes and extra paper towels under there. We have a couple storage lockers above the bed where we keep the clothes that we decided were must haves, like 20 pairs of running socks for me and 20 pairs of underwear for Jamie.

The kids sleep in the “great room” towards the back of the trailer. Smith sleeps at a dinette table that seats four but converts down to a twin bed. It also makes a comfy couch. We pretty much leave it down unless we are going to take a picture of it (we can eat outside or on the couch). Archer sleeps on what is officially the couch. It does expand out to a twin bed, but she sleeps just fine on it as it is. Funny, because she used to want Smith’s bed so for the first 10 nights we stayed on the trailer, she “fell” out of the bed to try to get her way even though her bed was expanded to a full twin.

In the middle of the Airstream is the kitchen, a large closet for our jackets and the kids’ clothes, and the bathroom and shower. We have a pretty decent sized refrigerator (somewhere between a dorm fridge and home fridge) with a freezer that is good enough to keep ice cream in. I will be honest here and say that we really miss a beer fridge (and a dishwasher and washer/dryer), but I guess that’s some serious first world problem to have. There is a three burner stove, an oven, and a microwave built in as well. The oven probably won’t cook a 30 pound turkey this Thanksgiving, but it cooks toast and frozen pizza like a champ.

The shower works but it’s a pretty tight squeeze in there – a one-seater for sure. We have a hot water heater that runs on either electricity or propane, so the shower is nice and hot though. The bathroom is nice and small but there is plenty of room to brush teeth or do whatever other business you need to do in there, at least at our size.

For entertainment, we have the great outdoors! I guess we also have two TVs – one above Archer’s bed and one in the “master suite”, though honestly we almost never watch TV anymore. I had to hook up Smith’s Xbox to convince him to come along with us, but that really does not see much use either. Mostly we hang outside or grab a phone or computer if we are going through screen withdrawal. That’s pretty much it! I hope this gives a good feel for what it’s like to live on The Silver Baguette, but if you have any questions, feel free to comment away and we’ll answer them for you.


  1. Congratulations on your great adventure. I hope you sign up for the Loveland international rally 2020. 700+ Airstream or‘s will be there. It is an awesome event and will fill up quickly. I would love to hear a presentation done by yourself and wife and your children on their experience living the Airstream dream. Check out the website if you’re not already members.
    WBCCI. If your ever and Southern California look us up we belong to the greater Los Angeles Airstream club and you most certainly would be welcome at any of our rallies.
    Love the name of your Airstream.
    Safe travel, God bless and keep you.

    1. Hi Carol,

      We will check out the rally in Loveland. We would love to give a presentation if we can make it! We will see where our travels take us and if we can make it out there. We aren’t members yet but have met a couple on the way, so we will look into that as well. Thanks!

  2. I want to do this so much, looks like so much fun.
    I’m so happy for you and your family……….
    enjoy life and family to the fullest……..What an awesome experience

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